Append a cookie to the current session to be used in the current and all the following requests.
Append a header to the current session to be used in the current and all the following requests.
Tells whether REST Assured should automatically append the content charset to the content-type header if not defined explicitly.
Tells whether REST Assured should automatically encode the URI if not defined explicitly.
Set the authentication method that will be used by the API request that you're currently building.
RequestBuilder.setContentType(io.restassured.http.ContentType contentType)
Sets the content type for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the content type for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the parameters (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the body (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the body (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the expected target status code for the API request that you're currently building.
Sets the url arguments (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.
set useRelaxedHTTPSValidation configuration to trust all hosts regardless if the SSL certificate is invalid in the request builder
'SSL' is the protocol name by default
set useRelaxedHTTPSValidation configuration to trust all hosts regardless if the SSL certificate is invalid in the request builder