ElementActions.clear(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
ElementActions.click(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Clicks on a certain element using Selenium WebDriver, or JavaScript
ElementActions.clickAndHold(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Waits for the element to be clickable, and then clicks and holds it.
Clicks on certain element using javaScript only
Attempts to perform a native clipboard action on the text from a certain web
element, like copy/cut/paste
ElementActions.doubleClick(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Double-clicks on an element using Selenium WebDriver's Actions Library
ElementActions.dragAndDrop(org.openqa.selenium.By sourceElementLocator,
org.openqa.selenium.By destinationElementLocator)
Drags the source element and drops it onto the destination element
ElementActions.dragAndDropByOffset(org.openqa.selenium.By sourceElementLocator,
int xOffset,
int yOffset)
Drags the source element and drops it onto the determined offset
This is a generic method to enable the execution of the native mobile
commands found herein:
ElementActions.hover(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Hovers over target element.
ElementActions.hoverAndClick(List<org.openqa.selenium.By> hoverElementLocators,
org.openqa.selenium.By clickableElementLocator)
Hovers over the hoverElements in sequence then clicks the clickableElement
ElementActions.keyPress(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator,
org.openqa.selenium.Keys key)
Sends a key-press to the target element.
If the element is outside the viewport, scrolls the bottom of the element to the bottom of the viewport.
ElementActions.select(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator,
String valueOrVisibleText)
Selects an element from a dropdown list using its displayed text or attribute Value
Used to SetProperty value for an element (hidden or visible) using javascript
Used to submit a form using javascript
Switches focus to default content, is mainly used in coordination with
to exit any iFrame layer and go back
to the main page
Switches focus to a certain iFrame, is mainly used in coordination with
to navigate inside any iFrame
layer and go back to the main page
Appends the required string into the target element, regardless of the
current text value.
ValidationEnums the required file path into an input[type='file'] button, to
successfully upload the target file.
Checks if there is any text in an element, clears it, then types the required
string into the target element.
Waits dynamically for a specific element's text to change from the initial
value to a new unknown value.
Waits dynamically for a specific element's attribute to be a certain value.
Waits dynamically for a specific element to be detached from DOM, or hidden, on the current page.
ElementActions.waitToBeReady(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Waits dynamically for a specific element to be present in DOM, and ready to interact with, on the current page.
ElementActions.waitToBeReady(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator,
boolean isExpectedToBeVisible)