Activates an app that has been previously deactivated or sent to the background.
TouchActions.doubleTap(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Double-Taps an element on a touch-enabled screen
Hides the device native soft keyboard.
TouchActions.longTap(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Performs a long-tap on an element to trigger the context menu on a
touch-enabled screen
Sends a key-press via the device soft keyboard.
Attempts to zoom the current screen IN/ OUT in case of zoom enabled screen.
TouchActions.rotate(org.openqa.selenium.ScreenOrientation orientation)
Rotate between portrait and landscape modes
Send the currently active app to the background and leave the app deactivated.
Send the currently active app to the background, and return after a certain number of seconds.
TouchActions.swipeByOffset(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator,
int xOffset,
int yOffset)
Swipes an element with the desired x and y offset.
Attempts to scroll element into view using androidUIAutomator
Attempts to scroll element into view using the new W3C compliant actions for android and ios and AI for image identification
Attempts to scroll element into view using androidUIAutomator
Attempts to scroll the element into view in case of native mobile elements.
Attempts to scroll element into view using the new W3C compliant actions for android and ios and AI for image identification
Attempts to scroll element into view using the new W3C compliant actions for android and ios
TouchActions.swipeToElement(org.openqa.selenium.By sourceElementLocator,
org.openqa.selenium.By destinationElementLocator)
Swipes the sourceElement onto the destinationElement on a touch-enabled
TouchActions.tap(String elementReferenceScreenshot)
Taps an element once on a touch-enabled screen
TouchActions.tap(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
Taps an element once on a touch-enabled screen
Waits until a specific element is now visible on the current screen