Class ElementActions

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ElementActions extends FluentWebDriverAction
  • Constructor Details

    • ElementActions

      public ElementActions()
    • ElementActions

      public ElementActions(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver)
    • ElementActions

      public ElementActions(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver driver, boolean isSilent)
    • ElementActions

      public ElementActions(DriverFactoryHelper helper)
  • Method Details

    • and

      public Actions and()
      and in class FluentWebDriverAction
    • assertThat

      public WebDriverElementValidationsBuilder assertThat(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • verifyThat

      public WebDriverElementValidationsBuilder verifyThat(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • getElementsCount

      public int getElementsCount(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • getSelectedText

      @Deprecated public String getSelectedText(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Deprecated use Actions.GetElementInformation.selectedText(By) instead Retrieves the selected text from the target drop-down list element and returns it as a string value.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      the selected text of the target webElement
    • executeNativeMobileCommand

      public Actions executeNativeMobileCommand(String command, Map<String,String> parameters)
      This is a generic method to enable the execution of the native mobile commands found herein:

      Note: This method does no validation on the output of the executed JavaScript

      command - the desired mobile command to be executed. e.g., "mobile: scroll"
      parameters - a map of the key, value parameters for this command. e.g., ImmutableMap.of("direction", "down")
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • click

      public Actions click(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Clicks on a certain element using Selenium WebDriver, or JavaScript
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • clickUsingJavascript

      public Actions clickUsingJavascript(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Clicks on certain element using javaScript only
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • scrollToElement

      public Actions scrollToElement(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      If the element is outside the viewport, scrolls the bottom of the element to the bottom of the viewport.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • clickAndHold

      public Actions clickAndHold(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Waits for the element to be clickable, and then clicks and holds it.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • clipboardActions

      public Actions clipboardActions(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, ClipboardAction action)
      Attempts to perform a native clipboard action on the text from a certain web element, like copy/cut/paste
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      action - supports the following actions "copy", "paste", "cut", "select all", "unselect"
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • doubleClick

      public Actions doubleClick(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Double-clicks on an element using Selenium WebDriver's Actions Library
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • dragAndDrop

      public Actions dragAndDrop(org.openqa.selenium.By sourceElementLocator, org.openqa.selenium.By destinationElementLocator)
      Drags the source element and drops it onto the destination element
      sourceElementLocator - the locator of the source webElement that should be dragged under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      destinationElementLocator - the locator of the target webElement that should receive the dropped source element under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • dragAndDropByOffset

      public Actions dragAndDropByOffset(org.openqa.selenium.By sourceElementLocator, int xOffset, int yOffset)
      Drags the source element and drops it onto the determined offset
      sourceElementLocator - the locator of the source webElement that should be dragged under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      xOffset - the horizontal offset by which the element should be moved
      yOffset - the vertical offset by which the element should be moved
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • getAttribute

      @Deprecated public String getAttribute(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String attributeName)
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      attributeName - the target DOM property of the webElement under test
      the value of the target DOM property of the webElement under test
    • getCSSProperty

      @Deprecated public String getCSSProperty(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String propertyName)
      Deprecated use Actions.GetElementInformation.cssValue(By, String) instead Get the value of a given CSS property. Color values should be returned as RGBA strings, so, for example if the "background-color" property is SetProperty as "green" in the HTML source, the returned value will be "RGBA(0, 255, 0, 1)". Note that shorthand CSS properties (e.g. background, font, border, border-top, margin, margin-top, padding, padding-top, list-style, outline, pause, cue) are not returned, in accordance with the DOM CSS2 specification - you should directly access the longhand properties (e.g. background-color) to access the desired values.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      propertyName - the target CSS property of the webElement under test
      the value of the target CSS property of the webElement under test
    • getText

      @Deprecated public String getText(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Deprecated use Actions.GetElementInformation.text(By) instead Retrieves text from the target element and returns it as a string value.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      the text value of the target webElement
    • hover

      public Actions hover(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Hovers over target element. If you want to hover on a webElement to expose another webElement and click on it, use hoverAndClick instead for a more reliable result.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • hoverAndClick

      public Actions hoverAndClick(List<org.openqa.selenium.By> hoverElementLocators, org.openqa.selenium.By clickableElementLocator)
      Hovers over the hoverElements in sequence then clicks the clickableElement
      hoverElementLocators - the list of locators of the webElements under test upon which the hover action will be performed in sequence (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      clickableElementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test upon which the click action will be performed (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • select

      public Actions select(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String valueOrVisibleText)
      Selects an element from a dropdown list using its displayed text or attribute Value
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      valueOrVisibleText - the text of the choice that you need to select from the target dropDown menu or the string value of attribute "value"
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • setValueUsingJavaScript

      public Actions setValueUsingJavaScript(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String value)
      Used to SetProperty value for an element (hidden or visible) using javascript
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      value - the desired value that should be SetProperty for the target element
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • submitFormUsingJavaScript

      public Actions submitFormUsingJavaScript(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Used to submit a form using javascript
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • switchToIframe

      public Actions switchToIframe(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Switches focus to a certain iFrame, is mainly used in coordination with switchToDefaultContent() to navigate inside any iFrame layer and go back to the main page
      elementLocator - the locator of the iFrame webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • switchToDefaultContent

      public Actions switchToDefaultContent()
      Switches focus to default content, is mainly used in coordination with switchToIframe(By) to exit any iFrame layer and go back to the main page
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • getCurrentFrame

      public String getCurrentFrame()
      gets the current frame
      currentFrame the current frame name
    • type

      public Actions type(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, CharSequence... text)
    • clear

      public Actions clear(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • typeAppend

      public Actions typeAppend(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, CharSequence... text)
      Appends the required string into the target element, regardless of the current text value.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      text - the target text that needs to be appended into the target webElement
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • typeFileLocationForUpload

      public Actions typeFileLocationForUpload(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String filePath)
      ValidationEnums the required file path into an input[type='file'] button, to successfully upload the target file.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      filePath - the full path to the file that needs to be uploaded, it can be absolute or relative path, Engine will detect that.
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions.
    • typeSecure

      public Actions typeSecure(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, CharSequence... text)
      Checks if there is any text in an element, clears it, then types the required string into the target element. Obfuscates the written text in the output report. This action should be used for writing passwords and secure text.
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      text - the target text that needs to be typed into the target webElement
      a self-reference to be used to chain actions
    • isElementDisplayed

      @Deprecated public boolean isElementDisplayed(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Deprecated use Actions.GetElementInformation.isDisplayed(By) instead Checks to see if an element is displayed
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      boolean value, true if the element is displayed, and false if the element is not displayed
    • isElementClickable

      @Deprecated public boolean isElementClickable(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
      Deprecated use Actions.GetElementInformation.isEnabled(By) instead Checks to see if an element is clickable
      elementLocator - the locator of the webElement under test (By xpath, id, selector, name ...etc.)
      boolean value, true if the element is clickable, and false if the element is not clickable
    • getTableRowsData

      public List<Map<String,String>> getTableRowsData(org.openqa.selenium.By tableLocator)
      Get any simple table rows' data that has thead which include all the column labels and tbody which includes all table data
      tableLocator - the locator of the table which should be a table tag
      List of Map format and each Map Object follows the following format (Key:column label, value: cell data)
    • captureScreenshot

      public Actions captureScreenshot(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBe

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBe(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, int numberOfElements)
    • waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBeLessThan

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBeLessThan(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, int numberOfElements)
    • waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBeMoreThan

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilNumberOfElementsToBeMoreThan(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, int numberOfElements)
    • waitUntilAttributeContains

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilAttributeContains(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String attribute, String attributeContainsValue)
    • waitUntilElementTextToBe

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilElementTextToBe(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator, String text)
    • waitUntilElementToBeSelected

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilElementToBeSelected(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)
    • waitUntilPresenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy

      @Deprecated public Actions waitUntilPresenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(org.openqa.selenium.By elementLocator)