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Setting up a new project

Now that you're hooked, the fastest way to set up a new sandbox and start experiencing SHAFT is using our TestNG Maven Archetype.

  • You can do that by following this lovely IntelliJ IDEA guide.

    • Before you press Create you'll need to add the archetype first by using this data
    GroupId: io.github.shafthq
    ArtifactId: testng-archetype
    Version: ${archetype.version}
    • It should look something like this IntelliJ IDEA Archetype
  • Or you can do it manually by following these steps:

    1. Download the latest version of mvn
    2. Add it to your PATH variable
    3. Create a new directory for the project, and navigate to it.
    4. Open a Terminal window in the target directory and execute the below command.
    Generate a new SHAFT project
    mvn archetype:generate "-DarchetypeGroupId=io.github.shafthq" "-DarchetypeArtifactId=testng-archetype" "-DarchetypeVersion=${archetype.version}" "-DinteractiveMode=false" "-DgroupId=io.github.shafthq" "-DartifactId=using_SHAFT_Engine"

"-DgroupId=io.github.shafthq" and "-DartifactId=using_SHAFT_Engine" with the groupId and artifactId that you want to use for the new project.