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Request Builder


In order to interact with APIs, you need an instance of SHAFT.API class and give it the base serviceURI

import com.shaft.driver.SHAFT;

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");

Now you have api object with the base serviceURI to start working with it with the Request Builder

Request Builder

Now you can start building your request with the request builder and add the methods you need from the below methods. Finally, you need to add the perform() method at the end to trigger the request and get back REST-Assured response object to continue working with it when needed.

Note: A request usually has only one of the following: urlArguments, parameters+type, or body

Request Method

Add the request method and give it the serviceName


SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");


SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");"/posts").perform();


SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");


SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");


SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");

Set Authentication

Set the authentication method that will be used by the API request that you're currently building. By default, this value is set to AuthenticationType.NONE but you can change it by calling this method. If you use thie method the authentication token will be saved automatically for all the following requests using the same session.

Authentication Type BASIC

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");
api.get("/basic-auth").setAuthentication("postman", "password", AuthenticationType.BASIC).perform();

Authentication Type FORM

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
api.get("serviceName").setAuthentication("username", "password", AuthenticationType.FORM).perform();

Append a cookie to the current session to be used in the current and all the following requests. This feature is commonly used for authentication cookies.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").addCookie("session_id", "1234").perform();

You can also use it directly without a request method to be used in all the following requests.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").perform();
api.addCookie("session_id", "1234");

Set Target Status Code

Sets the expected target status code for the API request that you're currently building. By default, this value is set to 200, but you can change it by calling the setTargetStatusCode method.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");

Set Content Type

Sets the content type for the API request that you're currently building. By default, this value is set to ContentType.ANY but you can change it by calling the setContentType method and giving it the enum value you want.

contentType Enumeration of common IANA content-types. This may be used to specify a request or response content-type more easily than specifying the full string each time. Example: ContentType.JSON

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");
SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");

Add Header

Append a header to the current session to be used in the current and all the following requests. This feature is commonly used for authentication tokens and other global headers as you need

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
String token = "@1234z""serviceName").addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token).perform();

You can add more than one header in the same request.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
String token = "@1234z""serviceName").addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token).addHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8").perform();

You can also use it directly without a request method to set the header for all the following requests.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").perform();
api.addHeader("Accept-Language", "en");

Set Request Body

Sets the body (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").setRequestBody(body).perform();

Body as String

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");
String body = """
"name": "adam",
"job": "engineer"

Body as Hash Map

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");
HashMap body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("name", "adam");
body.put("job", "engineer");"api/users").setRequestBody(body).setContentType(ContentType.JSON).setTargetStatusCode(201).perform();

Body as JSONObject

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");
JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
body.put("name", "adam");
body.put("job", "engineer");"api/users").setRequestBody(body).setContentType(ContentType.JSON).setTargetStatusCode(201).perform();

Set Request Body From File

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").setRequestBodyFromFile("relativeFilePath").perform();

Having a request body as json file in this path "src/test/resources/testDataFiles/requestBody.json" like this:

"name": "morpheus",
"job": "leader"
SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");"api/users").setRequestBodyFromFile("src/test/resources/testDataFiles/requestBody.json").setTargetStatusCode(201).setContentType(ContentType.JSON).perform();

Set Parameters

Sets the parameters (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.

Parameters Type FORM

Note that: Form parameter works with multipart/form-data requests.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
List<List<Object>> parameters = Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("username", "john"), Arrays.asList("password","1234"));"serviceName").setParameters(parameters, RestActions.ParametersType.FORM).perform();

Parameters Type QUERY

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
List<List<Object>> parameters = Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("search", "john"), Arrays.asList("orderBy","desc"));
api.get("serviceName").setParameters(parameters, RestActions.ParametersType.QUERY).perform();

Set URL Arguments

Sets the url arguments (if any) for the API request that you're currently building.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").setUrlArguments("username=john&password=1234").perform();
SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("");

Add Config

Append a config to the current session to be used in the current and all the following requests.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().redirect(RedirectConfig.redirectConfig().followRedirects(false));"serviceName").addConfig(RestAssured.config).perform();

You can also use it directly without a request method to be used for all the following requests.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName");
RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().redirect(RedirectConfig.redirectConfig().followRedirects(false));

Enable URL Encoding

Tells whether REST Assured should automatically encode the URI if not defined explicitly. Note that this does not affect multipart form data. Default is true.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").enableUrlEncoding(false).perform();

Use Relaxed HTTPS Validation

set useRelaxedHTTPSValidation configuration to trust all hosts regardless if the SSL certificate is invalid in the request builder 'SSL' is the protocol name by default

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");
SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");

Append Default Content Charset To Content Type If Undefined

Tells whether REST Assured should automatically append the content charset to the content-type header if not defined explicitly. Note that this does not affect multipart form data. Default is true.

SHAFT.API api = new SHAFT.API("serviceURI");"serviceName").appendDefaultContentCharsetToContentTypeIfUndefined(false).perform();

** *Please check the Response Validations as we can make many assertions and verifications on API response by using the Class RestValidationsBuilder* **

Sample Code Snippet

public class Test_Api {

public void test_get() {
api = new SHAFT.API("");
api.assertThatResponse().extractedJsonValue("$[?('Chelsey Dietrich')].id").isEqualTo("5").perform();

public void test_post() {
api = new SHAFT.API("");
String body = """
"name": "morpheus",
"job": "leader"
api.assertThatResponse().extractedJsonValue("name").isEqualTo("morpheus").withCustomReportMessage("Check that Morpheus exists.").perform();
